
As stated in the corporation's bylaws,

"The specific and primary purpose for which this corporation is formed is to conduct, promote, and enhance music education and enrichment for people of all ages; to educate, promote and perpetuate Hawaiian music, Hawaiian culture and Hawaiian musical instruments by organizing and sponsoring festivals, workshops, exhibitions, and other public events as well as using social media channels and the corporation's website(s) to provide facts, statistics, and publicize the corporation's music and cultural events.

"To maximize our impact on current efforts, the corporation may seek to collaborate with other non-profit organizations which fall under the 501(c) (3) section of the Internal Revenue Code and are operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes.

"The corporation is dedicated to continuing to educate and enrich the world through the music, culture and spirit of Hawaii."

While supporting all forms of Hawaiian music and culture is important, HIMELE will direct much of its resources towards the promotion and perpetuation of the Hawaiian steel guitar. This instrument, once considered at-risk because of the secrecy behind its tuning and playing, is now making a comeback largely due to efforts of some of today's steel guitar masters.

In pursuit of fulfilling its purpose, HIMELE will:

  • Collaborate with partners to produce and promote musical events such as festivals and training workshops Statewide and in other locations;

  • Publish information on HIMELE's website, HIMELE's Facebook page, and through newsletters;

  • Pursue stewardship of today's youth by awarding music training scholarships to serious and deserving youth musicians; and
  • Partner with other non-profit associations, foundations, or affinity groups when such partnership provides advantage towards the pursuit of HIMELE's purpose.

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